Frequently Asked Questions
App Download & Installation
1. Why can't I download or install the app?
a. Update your phone OS to the latest version.
Android 5.0 or above & iOS 9.2 or above are required to use our app.
TV and Apple computer products are not supported.
Account Creation
1. Why do I need to create an account?
Your account protects your security & privacy. Otherwise just anyone could start messing with your smart devices and your cloud files!
Use a valid e-mail address to get your verification code.
2. How to create an account
a. Open App
b. Tap 'Sign Up'
c. Select your country (for fast servers)
d. Enter your email
e. Tap 'OK!'
f. Enter your e-mail verification code
g. Tap 'Agree' to Privacy Policy
h. Set your password
3. I didn't receive a verification code?
Some email providers automatically filter 'unknown' messages.
a. Open your email
b. Check your spam & trash folders.
c. Wait & check again.
d.Try a different email.
4. 'This account has been registered' already?
a. Try to login with your password.
b. Tap 'forgot password' to reset it.
c. Register a different phone / email.
5. Verification code errors
If our app doesn't accept your verification code:
a. Re-enter it & try again
b. Get a new verification code & try again
c. Try a different email address.
Remember to complete verification within 30 minutes or the code will expire.
Privacy & App Permissions
Your privacy and security are our top priority.
We never store, sell, transmit or otherwise use your personal data.
All permissions granted will ONLY be used by you while managing your devices.
1. Why location permissions?
While adding your device, we use your location to find and display the correct Wi-Fi (SSID name, etc) from your phone.
In Android 8.1 or iOS13 and above, Wi-Fi and GPS are bound together. You can cancel location permission anytime without affecting normal operation.
2. Why 'take photos and record videos' permissions?
We may need to scan QR codes (usually printed on camera) to add the camera. You can cancel this authorization in the system settings after you added the camera.
3. Why notification permissions?
Sometimes our users get so comfortable with easy voice control through Amazon Alexa or Google Home they forget to ever open our app again.
For your security, we strongly recommend enabling notifications. Your camera will notify you when an event triggers, like motion is detected.
4. Why 'access photos or files on device' (Android) / 'add to your photos' (iOS) permissions?
Used to save pictures & videos from your album & cloud to your phone storage.
5. Why microphone permissions?
Used for talkback. While watching live video, you can talk to your phone and the camera speaker will echo you.
6. Is my data safe? / How is my data used? / How does my data transfer from camera to app?
Data between the app, devices & the cloud are sent via our servers in the USA and Europe, built mainly on Amazon Web Services.
Data is encrypted with a DES-based algorithm for transit. The camera and app authenticate themselves on connection. Server connections are via TCP. Video & audio transfers are via UDP.
Add device
1. What frequency Wi-Fi band is supported by my camera?
2.4G band Wi-Fi: all cameras are supported.
5G band Wi-Fi: Adding cameras to 5 GHz WIFI requires specific hardware. Please check your product's manual to confirm whether 5G Wi-Fi is supported.
2. Is a dual-band Wi-Fi router supported by my camera?
Yes, if you are using a dual-band router that supports 2.4G and 5G, you can add a camera using our app.
However, if your camera doesn't support 5 GHz, it may cause problems while adding, as the same Wi-Fi name and password are used for both bands.
3. How to add the camera via Smart mode?
a. Turn the camera on.
b. Wait 30s for the camera to start.
c. Reset the camera with the reset tool
i. Press the reset button & hold for 2 seconds
ii. If you hear 'du~', press the reset button again
iii. When you hear di-di~' & the indicator light is flashing red slowly (every 2 seconds)
iv. you're in Smart mode
4. How to add the camera via AP mode?
a. Turn the camera on.
b. Wait 30s for the camera to start
c. Reset the camera with the reset tool
i. Press & hold the reset button for 2 seconds.
ii. If you hear 'di-di', press & hold again.
iii. When you hear 'du~' &
iv. the indicator light is flashing red quickly (2x / second)
v. you're in AP mode.
5. How to add the camera via Wired mode?
a. Plug network cable into the camera's network port.
b. Press & hold the reset button for 2 seconds.
c. When you hear 'di-di~' &
d. the indicator light is flashing red slowly (every 2 seconds)
e. you're in Wired mode
6. Why did the camera fail to add after resetting it correctly?
The camera has not received the information from the app if It does not make a 'ding~dong' sound, and the indicator light still flashes slowly / fast.
Before you add a camera, check if the router you want to use is working properly.
a. Is your Wi-Fi 5Ghz? Does your camera support 5Ghz?
b. Is the camera reset to the same state for adding? (see Add device)
c. Try increasing the phone's speaker volume, so that the App's 'dididi~' sound can be heard by the camera. This sound is used for data transfer & communication.
  • The camera says 'wrong password'
    The WIFI password is entered incorrectly or there are unrecognizable characters in the password.
    a. When entering the Wi-Fi password, tap the eye button to check it.
    b. If there are special characters in the WIFI password, it might be necessary to change the WiFi password in your router.
  • The camera say 'Unable to obtain IP address'
    The camera can't get an IP from your router. Please try:
    a. Restart both the camera and the router, then try again.
    b. Make sure your router has 'DHCP' enabled (required).
  • The camera makes a 'di~di' sound after adding
    The 'di~di' sound means the camera failed to connect to the server or started up abnormally.
    Please try:
    a. Can the router connect to the internet normally?
    b. Restart camera, and try again.
    c. Check if the Wi-Fi signal is too weak.
    d. Check if the Wi-Fi signal has too many connected users.
TF memory card / Footage Issues
1. How to format a TF memory card
Your TF card must be formatted as 'FAT32' on your computer before use.
2. Why are there no videos on the TF card
How to check if the memory card is recognized by the camera
a. Turn the camera's power off.
b. Insert the TF card
c. Check that the camera is added & working in the app.
d. Check the card under camera settings > TF memory card in the app.
3. Check if the time zone is the same for camera and phone
As long as the camera's time is changed to match the time of the mobile phone system, videos can be viewed normally.
If the time zone is wrong, it will be visible in the app. Recordings will display with the wrong times.
a. Tap confirm when the app asks you to adjust the camera time if it doesn't match the phone OS time.
We strongly recommend that you don't change the time manually.
b. If you must manually adjust the time zone, you should also modify the camera's time zone in 'Device Settings' - 'Language and Time Zone' - 'Time Zone Settings'.
When you fix the time zone, new recordings will automatically adjust their time & position to match. Older recordings will not.
4. Check if the 'video storage location' is correct
To store videos on your TF card, you need to select 'TF Card' in Camera Settings' - 'Video Storage Location'.
5. Check the video storage mode
The App has two recording modes. Continuous and Event Storage.
For Event Storage:
a. Open Camera Settings' - 'TF Card Recording Settings': Continuous storage / Storage for Alerts.
b. Enable 'Motion Detected' in Alarms
c. Adjust the alarm sensitivity to trigger by a moving object.
Cloud storage
1. Will I be charged after the FREE cloud storage service trial expires?
NO. The trial cloud storage service is FREE!
You don't have to order or enter your billing information. It will expire automatically without activating paid service. You will never be charged for staying safe with your FREE trial.
Stop cloud storage anytime:
a. Tap the camera's cloud icon under 'My Camera'
b. Switch ' Upload Video To Cloud' off.
2. How to view videos in cloud storage?
a. Click 'Cloud playback' and slide the time bar to the blue / yellow line.
b. Tap the camera's cloud icon under 'My Camera'
3. How to delete cloud storage video
a. Open app 'My Devices' page.
b. Tap the cloud icon under the camera.
c. Tap 'Delete Files'.
d. Choose a time period to delete.
Please note that you can only delete cloud storage videos from over 24 hours ago.
4. Why is my cloud storage unavailable?
The camera was added to another account?
Our cloud storage is linked to the app account & the Mac (UUID) number of the camera. This is one way we help keep your data private & secure. If the camera is bound to a different account you won't be able to watch your saved recordings.
To keep using cloud storage:
a. make a new order
b. 'Contact Us' for reimbursement.
The account was deleted?
Deleting your account is FINAL.
Please be very careful before deleting your account. You will lose everything and we can't help you recover it.
5. May I apply for a refund?
If you accidentally duplicate your order or your cloud storage doesn't work and you want a refund:
'Contact Us' here or in the app. Include the:
a. Mac (UUID) number of your camera
b. A screenshot of the cloud order that needs to be refunded:
i. Open 'My Device' - 'Cloud Storage Icon' - 'My Order'
ii. Take a screenshot or picture.
We usually reply within 24 hours. If you don't hear from us:
c. Check your email 'spam' & 'trash' folders
d. 'Contact Us' via the website.
6. How to transfer cloud storage between cameras?
a. Upgrade your app to the latest version.
b. Open 'Settings: Transfer Cloud Storage'
c. Tap Transfer
You can transfer your cloud storage between different cameras in the same account.
7. Why doesn't my cloud storage service work?
The bill is paid, but the order doesn't appear in my app?
a. Open your app.
b. Tap 'Contact Us'.
c. Tell us what happened.
We usually reply within 24 hours. If you don't hear from us:
d. Check your email 'spam' & 'trash' folders
e. 'Contact Us' via the website.
No cloud videos found?
a. Make sure your camera & phone are the same time zone.
b. Restart your camera & router.
c. Delete the camera and re-add it to the same account.
8. Why doesn't my cloud storage service work?
Our video cloud storage service is linked to your account number and the Mac (UUID) of your camera. For multiple cameras, each camera requires its own cloud storage service.
a. Start your cloud for each camera separately.
Alarm issues
1. How to turn on 'Alarms' and set sensitivity?
a. Add your camera in app
b. Tap Alarm icon on 'My Devices' page
c. Open 'Device Settings' - 'Alert' - 'Motion Detected'.
d. Turn on Alarms
Sensitivity is divided into 6 levels. The higher the number, the higher the sensitivity and the easier it is to trigger an alarm.
Storing & viewing your Alarm messages requires a TF card or cloud service.
2. Why didn't my app tell me about my alarm messages?
a. Open your phone's app settings.
b. Enable 'notification permissions'
Alarm notifications may not work when your phone is on standby or in power-saving modes. Please pay attention.
3. Why isn't my app getting alarm notifications?
Sensitivity is divided into 6 levels. The higher the number, the higher the sensitivity and the easier it is to trigger an alarm.
a. Tap Alarm icon on 'My Devices' page
b. Open 'Device Settings' - 'Alert' - 'Motion Detection'.
c. Turn 'Motion Detection' on
d. Set the Alarm sensitivity higher
4. Why do I get false alarm notifications?
Sometimes, changes in light can trigger the alarm. Your sensitivity can be adjusted to a lower level to reduce false alarms, but please do it very carefully.
If your camera is using infrared (PIR) alarms, the sensitivity is fixed.
Camera Offline
Check the indicator light if your camera can't get online.
1. Red light is always on
a. Unplug & plug in the camera's power adapter
b. Reset the camera.
c. If it still does not work, the camera is broken.
i. 'Contact Us' if you're under warranty.
2. Green light is always on / Red light is slowly flashing
a. Check your router is connected to the internet
b. Move your camera closer to the router
c. Reset the camera
d. Try again
Time zone synchronization
1. Why is the time displayed when viewing a video different from the timeline?
As long as the camera's time is changed to match the time of the mobile phone system, videos can be viewed normally.
a. Tap confirm when the app asks you to adjust the camera time if it doesn't match the phone OS time.
We strongly recommend that you don't change the time manually.
b. But if you must manually adjust the time zone, also modify the camera's time zone in 'Device Settings' - 'Language and Time Zone' - 'Time Zone Settings'.
If the time zone is wrong, it will be visible in the app. Recordings will display with the wrong times. When you fix the time zone, new recordings will automatically adjust their time & position to match. Older recordings will not.
Share camera to others
1. How to share my camera?
a. Tap the '...' icon,
b. Tap the share icon,
c. Enter the target account
The target account must be registered before transferring.
2. 'Account maybe not exist or has not been logged in for a long time'
a. The account which you want to share the camera must log in to the app at least once.
i. Login to the app.
ii. Tap the '+' button in the upper right.
iii. Select 'Camera' & press next.
iv. Tap 'Change Region' & select country
v. Re-login
vi. App location changed OK!
3. Why can shared accounts only watch cloud videos?
This rule was created to avoid situations where both accounts were changing settings at the same time and interfering with home security.
To transfer camera control, add the camera to the target account.
Camera viewing issues
1. 'Decryption failed' / 'Please enter an encrypted Password'
a. Update your app to the latest version in the Apple / Google Play Store.
2. Why can't I view the camera using mobile data? (4G etc)
Please 'Contact Us' to solve the issue.
a. Open your app.
b. Tap 'Contact Us'.
c. Tell us what happened.
We usually reply within 24 hours. If you don't hear from us:
d. Check your email 'spam' & 'trash' folders
e. 'Contact Us' via the website.
I didn’t register my email for an account!
Please be a good netizen and help our users get our messages by deleting your account. We’re sorry about the inconvenience!
1.Delete your account.
a.Install the ugohome app on your phone.
b.Click 'Forgot My Password'
i.Enter Email as Account
ii.Get Verification Code
iii.Change Password
d.Open 'Settings'
e.Tap 'Delete My Account'.
2. Trouble?Contact Us. We’ll sort it out!
b.Copy above and Paste in the Message field!